Having been working on Android In La La Land since September 2012, we've met loads of fans, who, like yourself are
curious about the project. Please keep in touch, either via the Contact page, Twitter or Facebook...
We'll try and answer your questions here... but don't forget to like our Facebook page, where we've probably answered most things already....
Steve & Rob, La La Land.
What is it all about?
Android In La La Land follows Gary Numan and family as they move lock, stock and apparel to LA. It's about the highs and lows of his life as one of the most influential UK artists and follows his journey back into the recording studio to produce and release his first new album in over seven years.
Gary Numan Android in La La Land #anroidinlalaland
When can we see it?
Good Question!.. Filming started with Gary's last UK gigs of 2012 and the big move to LA, we filmed right the way through until early 2014 and then following a long period in the edit (the expensive bit, which we self financed) the film finally premiered at SXSW in March 2016.
We've now taken the film to a great selection of film festivals and are slowly rolling out cinema screenings towards the end of summer 2016, keep an eye on the news page here or our social media for more news.
Can I buy it on DVD / Blu Ray ?
Yes! But not yet. Sorry.
We are planning to get it out to fans in some shiny formats to own later in the year, but that will be after we get it through the cinema, it would be nice as a christmas pressie though wouldn't it....
Get involved Numan fans...
Send us your questions, we'll answer here.